Sunday, 18 April 2010
The Man Who Towed My Car and How Frequently He Presumably Wanks Over Children
Friday, 2 April 2010
Suggestions People Could Make (To Get A Car Started)
Maybe put it in neutral...what?, I’m just thinking with it being a hill...
What’s a jack for? Could we use a jack?
More petrol. Sometimes it’s that simple...well, diesel then!! Who are you, Spencer Specific?
Easily solved. Take the girl, right, and pull her left leg up onto the bed-side table – no, her right leg...actually it doesn’t matter which leg, really. Okay, and then just gently, steadily thrust your- what? Oh, the car...right, I quite like Ralph’s thing about maybe putting it in neutral
You know how when a hot air balloon’s sort of flagging a bit, they throw something out? Could we not just do that?...I don’t know, the radio?
Call the AAA.
Have you tried getting hold of the rack? WHAT? How is that – no, it’s not another sexual thing, Andrew, I mean the R.A.C. you bell-end!
It’s fucked. Just leave it. Dead end.
And you’re certain this is your car? ...yes, I suppose you would, yes might now be time for us to turn to the black arts...