I’m a big fan of devised theatre – particularly really immersive site-specific stuff. I like it because I was born without the capacity to imagine. Here are some of the pieces I’m most looking forward to this week...

Genesis/Blood is set in, and therefore for some reason staged in, a womb. The audience wait in the delivery room of a hospital until someone gives birth, then, just when the vagina is at its widest, that audience is invited to clamber inside the woman and enjoy a truly immersive theatrical experience. Utilising the well-known fact that it is literally impossible for an audience to imagine anything that isn’t also actually happening to them at the time, Genesis/Blood tries to teach us all about where we came from and, for some of us – namely, anyone who, for some reason, goes to see Genesis/Blood – where we’re going, too.

Snookered is set on, and therefore for some reason staged on, a massive snooker table. Each audience member is given a colour and spread about the board. A cast member then shouts the word ‘black’ at one of the snooker balls for about an hour, privately because she is excited by the idea of saying racist things in front of a paying audience, but also because it for some reason challenges the way we think of prejudice. Afterwards, it is explained that the cast have all studied theatre and so cannot be racists themselves.
Half Thought Out Bullshit a Group of Bored Actors Shitted Out

Half Thought Out Bullshit a Group of Bored Actors Shitted Out, or HTOBGBASO, is set in, and therefore staged in, a rehearsal room. Diana and Peter are out of work actors. As such, they decide to put on a show – however, they soon realise they have literally no ability, and so, instead of writing one, decide to meet up one afternoon, talk in a freeform way at each other for a couple of hours, and simply write down whatever bullshit they instinctively farted out. Two months are then spent working on costume/lighting/choreography. Classic lines include;
Diana: ...I...wait, I’ve got one...the good thing about rolling the dice is that it never comes up tails...is that clever? Write it down. And this bit too. (pause) What? Yeah, anything to fill time, really – we’ll do it in slow motion with strobe lighting or something.
As well as
Peter: Oh, you’re a writer? Yeah, actually I’ve been meaning to get on that shit. Got something I’ve been wanting to write for ages...essentially, it’s about a dog that...I dunno, smells of...Anne Frank, and...anyway she’s remembering the war, but we also are in the war, and...basically fucking EVERYTHING’s made of Vimto, so... (Huge Pause) I’ve gotta sit down and flesh it out some time. Should be really weird, but also cool?
Lots to look forward to.