Friday, 6 May 2011

New Feelings

1. Lathic
It's like a sort of happiness if you're feeling it before noon, but sadness if you're feeling it after

Sample usage: "This is a brilliant day. I'm feeling so lathic! Oh shit, lunch break. I HATE lunch break. Now I'm feeling all lathic"

2. Bleeno
Ambivalence, but about ambivalence.

Sample usage: "Well, you can over-use it. But, then, it's sometimes the most appropriate word. I don't know; I'm kind of bleeno about it."

3. Rundy

When you're sort of pleased for someone's achievement, but there's a sense that it's not really theirs. Like if someone tells you they starred in a successful film as a child.

Sample usage:

A: I got the job
B: Oh, well done
A: Turns out dad knew someone at the office
B: Cool...I'm rundy for you, really I am.

Wednesday, 4 May 2011

Dickens Restaurants

Plate Expectations
Steak House
Olive ...something with olive
Hard Limes (this would mainly cook things with limes)
The Pick-wok Papers (Chinese stuff)
A Christmas Dinner
David Cod-with-Eel (this would serve cod with eel and would be a pun on Charles Dickens' 'David Copperfield')
The Old Curiosity Pot
Barnaby's Fudge
A Tale of Two Titties (it would be a tit bar that did food, more than a restaurant)
Our Mutual Beef
The Mystery of Edwin Food