Wednesday, 8 June 2011

Interesting Opinions You Might Like To Have

"I actually preferred it as Choco Krispies - that's just me". Be an interesting opinion for someone to have, wouldn't it?

"I love Ant but I honestly can't get into Dec"

"I do think that there should be higher tax but I absolutely don't think that the money should go towards anything" - why would somebody think THAT?

"I think that Philosophy is...I just...I'm rambling..." - sort of interesting if somebody considered this to be an opinion. I'd disagree, but respectfully.

"I think nowadays the most racist thing you can do is just not to be racist. I honestly think that. Thanks very much, Tony Blair." - what would they even mean by this?

"Lebanon - it's weird isn't it because it sort of sounds like "Lemon On". In a way, lots of places do"

"I always prefer the film to the book"

"Autumn is the best month" sorry, what was that last word again?

"I do prefer showers to baths, but not if I'm in a rush" - because this is exactly the opposite of what seems to make sense, isn't it?

These people would have to be real oddballs.

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