"Put down the sword, Gandror, or so help me I-...ah, you've done it...good." screamed the hero.
And they all were fine.
2. Ruebit dies (and Ruebit is your favourite character!)
3. It turns out that it's set in the real world, and one of the characters has actually written the book, so it all gets a bit meta and there's some line at the end about 'watching your back' or some fucking SHIT!
4. It turns out that everyone in the book has been dead for fifteen years. Also, in passing, it's mentioned one of them was actually three children stood on each other's shoulders wearing a trenchcoat, but nothing came of this.
5. It asks more questions than it answers, if that makes any sense.
6. It turns out that the one who did it is a newly introduced character, so you couldn't possibly have guessed.
7. Someone says the title of the book in a crowbarred in way. Like if it was called 'And the fox cried blind', it might go like this:
"Are you comin', 'annah?" Ruebit asked, in his kindly way.
Hannah looked back at him, fondly. That lovely old man. That kindly lovely old old man.
"I suppose so," she supposed. "There's nothing here for us now, in any case."
Lovely Ruebit smiled back. "'ar now I wunt be knowin' nuthin 'bout that now. Haha. Wunt be knowin' nuthin 'bout that..." and he slithered out of the room, closing the fucking big door behind him.
Silence. That room that had once been so full of laughter. Now silence.
She stood for a moment.
"And the fox cried blind," she whispered to no-one in particular, "and the fox, as they say, cried blind"
Hannah pulled the blinds closed for a last time and a single tear dropped from her vagina.
8. Builds to a climax, then elipsis.
9. Descends into porn. Loads of explicit pictures, even though up until that point it'd been just text - murder mystery shit, too. Also, this one gets a bit racist.
10. Happens about two pages in. Loads of blanks.
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