Thursday, 25 February 2010

Christophe Herne: A Genealogy

Christophe’s mother (Jan) was a dentist from Aldershot, who married his father, a Brazilian with a temper.

We follow the mother

Jan Herne (née Charleston-Bennett)’s father (‘Dom’) was a wheatsheaf, like his father before him, the famous Whitely Bennett, credited with inventing something-or-other (citation needed) where it basically meant that wheatsheafing took about half as long as it previously had.

We follow his uncle.

Carlton Bennett, the famous type-setter/polymath, never found love himself, but his parents (Lucy and Dennis) remained married and happy until their mutual deaths in the purges.

Dennis’ mother was the fruit of respected loins. Father, Lord Manfred Whelks, and mother, Lady Vera Manfred, were brother and sister respectfully, but only through marriage and blood; their mutual mother being a lady called Christine (we begin to see where Christophe got his name from!)

There is reasonable evidence that Christine had no father.

1 comment:

  1. Why did Jan and the Brazilian get married with a temper? Was it a shotgun wedding or something?
