19.30: Susan arrives hankering for a drink. It is snowing outside.
20.03: Morburn (Susan’s husband) arrives in a separate cab from Susan a full half-hour later
20.04: Baldrick (different one) takes their coats – one of them has a gun in, but he doesn’t remember whose is whose (despite the time difference)
20.13: Susan and Morburn exchange a glance, as Kitty reminisces. “Those ruddy conclaves,” they think. “As if we’d forget about her and those ruddy conclaves”
20.20: Baldrick arrives, claiming that either Susan or Morburn’s mobile is going off. Neither Susan nor Morburn get up, as neither have a mobile
20.31: Susan, Morburn, Kitty, and Murderous Dan sit down for dinner. Murderous Dan continues the joke of how many murders he’s done this year (“it is only July” he quips)
20.32: Abruptly, the spaghetti is served
20.44: Baldrick arrives, claiming that the taller of the coats is on fire. Neither Susan nor Morburn react. Both express disinterest in their respective coats.
22.08: Murderous Dan finishes his spaghetti. Cheese and biscuits are served
22.12: The lights go out.
22.13: The lights come back on. Mr Ganley is dead!(?)!
22.14: Baldrick enters carrying a gun. Both Morburn and Susan start to cry
Who did it?

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